The ongoing debate over federal energy subsidies—whether the federal government should provide financial support to renewables, coal, oil, natural gas, or nuclear power—must be based on objective facts regarding current levels of government support.  Widespread misperceptions as to the nature and extent of government subsidies can lead to erroneous policy decisions.  To improve the public’s access to information about the various federal energy programs that exist, the Institute for Energy Research has compiled a comprehensive database that contains the most significant forms of federal subsidies for energy producers and energy products: grants, loans and loan guarantees, and tax subsidies.  The database covers the last four fiscal years (FY 2009-12) for all sources of energy across all government agencies.

Please browse this website to learn more about the federal government’s energy spending initiatives. Of course, while much of our data is only as good as the government’s recordkeeping (more on this is under our methodology page), we believe that better access to information goes hand in hand with better decisions about our energy future.

Grants | Loans | Tax Subsidies